Experimental Sites

One thing I’ve been thinking about a lot recently is the idea of doing experimental sites. By experimental, I mean sites that might not serve any particular purpose. One such example is We Feel Fine, a site that searches the web for the phrase “I feel” and “I am feeling” and displays the complete sentence in unique ways, essentially make a work of art out of the feelings people share on the internet. Continue reading “Experimental Sites”

Twittered Quotes: 2nd Edition

Just about everyday, I tweet a quote (@luciantucker). The quotes are usually not directly related to design, but they help to exercise the mind, and the mind is an important tool in design.

The mind is an important tool—I know it’s so obvious it sounds weird to say, but really, it’s important to note. Designers need to read, travel, sketch in their spare time, and things of that nature, if they want to stay sharp.

One tool I use to keep sharp is reading and analyzing quotes, and I’ve decided that I will make a habit out of sharing these quotes with you, thus the title “Twittered Quotes: 2nd Edition.” Continue reading “Twittered Quotes: 2nd Edition”

Kids at play

I was walking home from work the other day and stumbled upon a mother with her 3-4 year old son. While walking, the boy suddenly plopped down to the grown—legs crossed—and starting drawing on the pavement with chalk his mother had provided. His mom stood patiently as he scribbled. Continue reading “Kids at play”

London Garden: Major city, no cars

London Garden. Imagine it—a city consisting only of buses, taxis, and bikes, where energy is constantly being collected and recycled between all pieces involved. Aside from public transportation, this would make London a car-free zone.

See, as described in one of the images in this post, traffic is so bad in London that the average speed is 10mph, “which is nearly the same speed as when we used to travel with horse and carriage.” So more and more, bikes are becoming the preferred mean of travel.

Envisioned by Sweden student Mårten Wållgren and three others, London Garden won a Seymour Powell award for best concept in the “Future City Mobility” design competition. Continue reading “London Garden: Major city, no cars”

Twittered Quotes

Bloggers seem to be fixated on list. I frequent design blogs, and everyday I see blog post with titles such as 35 Beautiful Photography Websites, and 50 Creative and Inspiring 404 Pages, and The 4 essential web writing tips. I can see the appeal of numbered list, but it’s just not my thing.

Nevertheless, I have a few quotes I would like to share, but I refuse to number them and title this post “10 quotes I like.” I’m taking a stand. Continue reading “Twittered Quotes”

Charles and Ray Eames

On my short list of designers I admire, I’ve just added two more—Charles and Ray Eames. I just learned about them through TED, which is a site I frequent since it is updated often with inspirational videos.

What I’ve always been interested in is not a designer’s final designs, but the process behind why they design something the way they did. The video below gives a sneak peak into the “why” of the duo  Charles and Ray Eames. Continue reading “Charles and Ray Eames”

One line…

While browsing the web, I stumbled upon a video from a guy who calls himself Dave the Chimp. In the stop motion video, Dave the Chimp draws characters while only using one line. I found it very inspirational, although his website isn’t particularly well designed. Continue reading “One line…”

11 Design Quotes

I enjoy reading quotes—interesting lines of words that hit precisely something that may take an essay to explain otherwise. The quotes I like are the ones that after reading they immediately change my way of thinking, question it, or simplify it. Below are 11 quotes of such a nature. Continue reading “11 Design Quotes”

David Carson Inspired Me

One of the reasons I am a designer is because of David Carson. I wouldn’t venture so far as to say he IS the reason I am a designer, but amongst the many experiences that have contributed to making me the person I am, David Carson is one.

Now, I could go on and on explaining how David Carson has influenced me as a designer, but I really wrote this post to share a quote he gave from one interview, and also share a video of a talk he gave at TED. Continue reading “David Carson Inspired Me”

We Feel Fine

Some say as technology spreads more and more, we move as humans move further and further apart. Instead of calling or meeting in person, we text, instant message, and email. At the same time, however, the world has gotten smaller in a sense we can talk to people and read about events that are happening across the world and spread information in an instant. So while some people may stay indoors more often, they are, in a sense, more aware of the outside world.

One such technology bringing us closer is We Feel Fine. We Feel Fine aims to show despite our differences in race, gender, sexual orientation, location, age and so on, we still have much in common—we all feel and have emotions and go through similar situations. Continue reading “We Feel Fine”